Remote Workshop Introduction (Zoom) 3 Tasks
1 Install the current version of Zoom Preparation ca. 10 min
2 Prepare your headset / headphones Preparation ca. 10 min
3 Ensure you have a stable internet connection Preparation ca. 10 min
React TypeScript Workshop Introduction 2 Tasks
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1 Preparation Preparation ca. 20 min
2 Introduction of participants ca. 15 min
JavaScript for React 2022 2 Tasks
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1 JavaScript Playground 01 ca. 20 min
2 JavaScript Playground 02 ca. 15 min
TypeScript for React 2022 1 Tasks
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1 Update the TypeScript definitions ca. 10 min
React with TypeScript | Basics 11 Tasks
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1 Test your knowledge ca. 10 min
2 Create your demo app ca. 5 min
3 Create a simple component with TSX ca. 15 min
4 Implement Counter with useState ca. 20 min
5 Extend a component with props ca. 10 min
6 Components with multiple children ca. 15 min
7 Fetch a book via HTTP ca. 20 min
8 Explore the useEffect dependency array ca. 15 min
9 Custom hook: `useBook` ca. 10 min
10 React Context ca. 20 min
11 Test your knowledge (Recap) ca. 10 min
React with TypeScript | Forms 4 Tasks
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1 What do you know about forms? ca. 10 min
2 Refactor an uncontrolled component to a controlled component ca. 15 min
3 Create a form with build-in validation ca. 20 min
4 Create a form with own validation ca. 25 min
React with TypeScript | Router 4 Tasks
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1 Install and use the React Router ca. 25 min
2 Create a route for a basic BookDetails component ca. 20 min
3 Show data in BookDetails ca. 30 min
4 Create a nested route to edit the details of a book ca. 30 min
React with TypeScript | React Redux 7 Tasks
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1 React Context: Build our own state management ca. 60 min
2 useReducer hook: Introduction to reducer-, action- and dispatch-functions ca. 30 min
3 Install Redux and create store ca. 15 min
4 Redux count slice ca. 20 min
5 Implement your first Redux Action (Books slice) ca. 30 min
6 Create a selector ca. 20 min
7 Load data with an async thunk ca. 30 min
React with TypeScript | Testing 4 Tasks
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1 TDD (Test driven development) with Jest ca. 20 min
2 Component Tests ca. 15 min
3 Snapshot Tests ca. 15 min
4 Component Tests with interactivity ca. 20 min